First meeting with Atlas/Hancock, Hawthorn Resources and Legacy Iron Ore
On Saturday 16th April 2022, representatives from Atlas Iron Ore/Hancock Propsecting, Hawthorn Resources and Legacy Iron Ore met at the Ritz Carlton in Perth, WA.
The purpose of this meeting was for a formal introduction and early celebration of Mt Bevan deal, which had recently been signed and announced publicly.
After years of deliberating and liaising via email, it was the first time the parties had been able to meet in person.
The entirety of the Mt Bevan dealings took place online due to Covid. An impressive effort and a big congratulations to everyone involved!
Managing Director and CEO, Mark Kerr, attended on behalf of Hawthorn Resources.
Some others present were…
Sanjiv Manchanda, CEO of Atlas Iron.
From Legacy Iron Ore; Rakesh Gupta (CEO), Colin Earl (Exploration Manager) and Vivek Sharma (Project Geologist).
From the WA Government; Hon. Yaz Mubarakai and Hon Dr. Jags Krishnan (Members of Legislative assembly).
From NMDC Limited; Mr Sumit Deb (Chairman/MD) and Shri Amitava Mukherjee (Director of Finance).
Pictured: Mark Kerr (MD/CEO Hawthorn Resources), Sanjiv Manchanda (CEO Atlas Iron), Rakesh Gupta (CEO Legacy Iron), Sumit Deb (Chairman/MD NMDC).
Mr Mark Kerr (Hawthorn Resources) and Mr Rakesh Gupta (Legacy Iron Ore) finally meeting, after years of speaking virtually due to Covid.