St George may have mapped link between Mt Alexander and Mt Ida lithium province

SEPTEMBER 29, 2022

Assays returned rubidium, an indicator of fertile pegmatites in weathered terrains such as the Mt Ida lithium province. Picture: Getty Images.

Initial rock chip sampling of pegmatite outcrop at St George’s Mt Alexander project in WA has confirmed a geochemistry indicative of lithium, caesium and tantalum (LCT) fertile pegmatites.

Lithium bearing pegmatites have now been identified over a zone 400m x 1700m and more pegmatites have been sampled across a 15km zone in the same corridor as Red Dirt’s (ASX:RDT) Mt Ida lithium province.

The company says, based on visual observation, several samples appear to include lithium minerals in the form of spodumene and lepidolite – with assays expected next week.

Soil sampling is also under way covering the area extending east from the pegmatite outcrops to test for possible extensions below cover.

Possibly part of the Mt Ida province

The area around Mt Ida is emerging as a new lithium province, with exploration also under way in this region by Zenith Minerals (ASX:ZNC) in joint venture with EV Metals plc and Hawthorn Resources (ASX:HAW) in joint venture with Hancock Prospecting.

And St George Mining (ASX:SGQsays these early observations of outcrop at Mt Alexander suggest it may form part of the underexplored province.

“We are delighted that our exploration team is continuing to deliver success in identifying pegmatite outcrops that appear highly prospective for lithium mineralisation, providing support for Mt Alexander’s significant lithium potential,” executive chairman John Prineas said.

“We are seeing thick pegmatite dykes spread over a zone more than 15km long in the same corridor parallel to the Copperfield Granite where major discoveries have been announced by Red Dirt Metals.

“We are increasingly excited by the potential that Mt Alexander may form part of the same pegmatite hosted lithium mineral system.”

Map showing the interpreted prospective pegmatite corridor and the location of lithium projects along strike to St George’s Mt Alexander Project.

Lithium and nickel drilling planned in Q4

An expanded field mapping and rock chip sampling program is ongoing to identify areas for additional pegmatites and drilling – which is scheduled for Q4 2022.

“Our field work is the first lithium focused exploration conducted at Mt Alexander and we very pleased with the pace at which the evidence for the lithium potential is building,” Prineas says.

“This lithium work is a fantastic complement to our nickel exploration at Mt Alexander, which is progressing in parallel with a fixed loop electromagnetic survey scheduled to start next week.

“This will enable final modelling of several promising nickel targets for drill testing.

“With lithium and nickel drilling planned at Mt Alexander for Q4 2022, it is an exciting time for shareholders.”